Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Coffee Friend Card

Beccy's place August challenge:  From Beccy: To keep things interesting, I like to add an additional optional element to the monthly challenges, and this month I'm challenging you to dig through your stash to find all those older items that have yet to be put to use. Drag them out, dust them off, and add them somewhere on your project!

From Gail Jean:
For this card I am using the Option from Beccy's challenge.
I found a cupcake metal brad, a tube of chocolate liquid pearls, and a friend sticker for the design of this friend card.

This card will be place on the gift to my friend Sharon [my son's mother-in-law] at our family Birthday dinner this Sunday.
The drink digital is compliments of Beccy's Place for this month's challenge.
I also used two different size metal tag dies, as well as a  metal rectangle stitched die for the coffee cardstock of the mat. 
I have minimal vision as I type this,  so hopefully no typos.
I would like to enter my card in these two challenges:
Note from Gail:
I have been missing in action due to several eye surgeries.  I am praying I do not lose my eye sight as this has been a challenging journey for me these last few years. 
In three weeks I visit my eye medical doctor for evaluation to see if vision improves  - if not - I am having another procedure in the right eye.
Regarding my left eye - I have another procedure coming up in October.  
If you believe in God and prayer - please add me to your prayer list for complete healing for my vision. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a blessed day. Gail Jean


  1. I'm so sorry to read about your eye problems Gail, I truly hope the upcoming surgeries correct the issues. I'll be thinking of you.
    Your card is fantastic, and you did an awesome job with the bonus challenge this month! I'm sure Sharon is going to love her card.
    Beccy xx

  2. Great design with Beccy's coffee digital. I'm so sorry to hear about your vision issues. Prayers for healing and quick recovery! Thank you for sharing with us at WAW this week.

  3. This is a super masculine card Gail. I'm so sorry to read about your eye problems, I certainly hope and pray all will be well for you. Big hugs. x


Thank you for stopping by - it is an honor to have you visit and comment with kindness on my blog - have a blessed day.