Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Mouse Lip Balm Card


Spellbinders Circle Die
Lawn Fawn Stitched Rectangle Die
MFT Stitched Banner Die
Stitched Square Die
MFT Lip Balm Die and acrylic holder
MFT Sentiment Stamps - Black Ink
MFT Rip Die behind Lip Balm - see photo below
Gold Metallic Star
Organic Lip Balm
Bugaboo Mouse - cropped from the Mouse in a circle sentiment - Portrait Die Cutting Machine - Grey Ink - Pink Markers

 Inspired to create by These Challenges:

Catch the Bug Holiday Chaos Day 4 Bingo - designer

Paper, Bugaboo Image - die Cut

 Saturday CHN Christmas Weekly UE

 December CHN Patterned Paper UE

Wednesday SS Christmas Critters 1/5

Wednesday Word ART AG with sentiment  1/5






  1. What a great idea!!! Thanks for joining our Bugaboo Stamps Holiday Chaos 2020! Good Luck in the draw. Happy New Year!
    Jen L
    Bugaboo Stamps DT

  2. Wow, this is super cute...A great idea! Hope your New Year started great and we're so delighted that you took the time to join our Blog Hop. Living you with the timeless Word of God that comes from 2 Peter 1:19-20 that says, "And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation." Be encouraged.

    JO ANN


Thank you for stopping by - it is an honor to have you visit and comment with kindness on my blog - have a blessed day.