Friday, November 13, 2020

Neville+Coffee Tag


Gnome+Coffee Christmas Tag - 2 Photos
Stitched Tag Die
My favorite Christmas Paper and I am about out! Brown with teal dots
Beccy's Images - Gnome [Neville] and Coffee Cup
Teal Marker
Merry Christmas Stamp - Black Ink
Blessings from Gail Ribbon - see photo

Inspired to create by several November challenges as listed below


November 25 Days of Christmas Tags ~ I was inspired by two different days to create this Gnome+ Coffee Tag:  Day 6 by Vicki Dutcher to use Coffee image and Day10 Michelle Short   to use a Gnome image



November - Beccy's Place Holiday Challenge UE  - G is for Gnome and C is for coffee





November Fall Winter Coffee Hop - UE

November CHN Patterned Paper UE                                                   

November #515 Christmas Weekly UE


  1. Great tag Gail. Neville looks like he is sneaking in a smoking and coffee break!

    1. I am back with my DT hat on. Thank you for entering the Add A Button or Two or More Challenge at CHNC.

  2. I can see why it's your favourite paper Gail, what a gorgeous combination! I love the way you've combined the two images, Neville looks quite pleased with himself!

  3. This is so adorable. I feel your pain on running out of your favorite paper, that is the worst feeling. This was worth it though.

  4. Your gnome with his big cup of coffee makes me smile! That paper is wonderful; hope you can find more! So happy you've joined us at 25 Days of Christmas Tags!


Thank you for stopping by - it is an honor to have you visit and comment with kindness on my blog - have a blessed day.