Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Gingerbread+Coffee Tag

Beccy Image -Gingerbread Man pulling Wagon
Beccy Image Hot Cherry Chocolate
Made both images as Print n Cut - Portrait

The Gingerbread man is pull a tree on the wagon- 
I glued the Hot Chocolate Digital  to the tree - so pulling Hot Chocolate rather than a tree

Oval Die to cut the Patterned Cardstock for the tag
Bakers Twine

Inspired to create by:

Nov 9th Annual Month of Holiday Cards, Tags, Projects  ~ Beccy Challenge
O is for Oval
November Coffee Lovers Blog Hop UE Nov 12 - 19


  1. Clever tag Gail, I like how you've changed the tree to a cup of deliciousness, and the little gingerbread man looks pretty happy about it too.

  2. Another brilliant combination of images! I LOVE your creativity, Gail! So many amazing ideas here on your blog - thank you!


Thank you for stopping by - it is an honor to have you visit and comment with kindness on my blog - have a blessed day.